It has been a relatively cool summer for much of the Midwest, especially the eastern half. Last year was a polar opposite, with numerous heat waves and below average rain.
Here are some comparisons of temperatures around Independence Day:
Madison, WI
2012 2013 (forecast) Departure
July 3: 97 72 +17
July 4: 102 79 +23
July 5: 103 82 +21
Chicago, IL
2012 2013 (forecast) Departure
July 3: 96 72 +24
July 4: 102 78 +24
July 5: 103 81 +22
Minneapolis, MN
2012 2013 (forecast) Departure
July 3: 97 81 +16
July 4: 101 83 +18
July 5: 96 86 +10
Detroit, MI
2012 2013 (forecast) Departure
July 3: 85 81 +4
July 4: 102 79 +23
July 5: 86 82 +4
Omaha, NB
2012 2013 (forecast) Departure
July 3: 99 82 +17
July 4: 100 84 +16
July 5: 102 89 +13
St. Louis, MO
2012 2013 (forecast) Departure
July 3: 101 80 +21
July 4: 105 85 +20
July 5: 105 87 +18